       Wings of Fredoom 

 I look the serenity of  a quiet Lage,  the force of a Roble and the  power solid of  Mountain   
today is Just the time 
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Metaphysics is a branch of the philosophy that studies what is beyond the physical senses.

 Metaphysics studies the truth. The truth is what remains, the ABSOLUTE thing, the ETERNAL thing, WHICH DOES NOT CHANGE NOR PERISHES. In a word, the TRUTH is what many call God, other WING, BRHAMA, CAUSE UNICA, GREAT ARCHITECT.

 Many affirm emphatically: "For me, the TRUTH is what I see with my eyes and I touch with my hands, all the others is pure fantasy". And indeed what they see with its eyes and they touch with its hands it is what comes to represent pure fantasy, that is appearance, something that transmuta, that it changes, that does not remain, since all the matter is in perpetual state of evolution. Thus we see as everything is born, it arrives at its fullness, it decays and it disappears. 

We do not say dies, because what we called death is also pure appearance.  Nothing  is dead in the Universe, anything is immovable, everything is formed by atoms and still in the apparently inert matter, the atom follows life plenty, with his full nucleus of radiant light and its electrons turning vertiginously in his around. 

 When that happens that we called death, which happens in the physical part is the transmutación, that is to say, the atoms that composed that matter begin evolves, loosen electrons and taking new electrons others, with which they happen to constitute new bodies or physical matter. This widely is verified in the study of chemistry, when it happens what reaction of a substance is called that is mixed with other to form new a third substance; what a single atom has had is that electron interchange between átomos.

  In the Nature nor is lost, only transmuta. Thus a poet said: "the inmortal matter like the souls, changes of form but never it dies". It is a great truth, since the physical death is single an appearance, something that our five physical senses catch to where they are able to catch; what follows "further on", is indeed the study of metaphysics. 

Every one has its own TRUTH, that is to say, each one has its own concept of GOD, the one that has taught to us, the one that we have forged, the one that we felt. All in our childhood we have almost received from our parents a notion about God. One says to us that he is the CREATOR; that it is OMNIPOTENTE, TERRIBLE, JEALOUS, PUNISHING.  That it is a GOD that awards and punishes. that it has a sky, purgatorio and a hell; that it handles the diseases, the earthquakes and all class of cataclysms, with a whip with which whips to the humanity or it awards it with wealth, health and well-being. This it is the God of children thus, is possible to be continued being adult-boy with the soul in the childhood. If our soul is prepared to receive the TRUTH, our soul will assimilate it. Thus it is declared in the parabola of sembrador:                    


Someone that seeded, left to seed its simiente; and seeding, a part fell  next to the way and was trod and the birds of the sky ate it. And another part fell on the stone; and been born, it was dried because it did not have humidity. Another part fell between the thorns and being born the thorns together, they drowned it. Another part fell in good earth and when it was been born it took fruit to one hundred by one  

"Only in the Earth that is paid to receive it, fructifies the TRUTH. TRUTH is the word of God

 . When we create in that God of the whip, iracundo, magnificent, rencoroso and cruel, we have a distorted image    
   of God, an image like which reflects a mirror of bad quality. God is not that, God is much more noble, simple, beautiful, much more much
e much more easy of understand. For to know the truth we must eject of the mind to that God of the whip in the hand.  We have to  understand that God does not punish, simply because it cannot. Nobody can give what it does not have. God is good, soon cannot give us bad. It is as if we thought that the light is going to give the dark to us. No, the light always will illuminate, which produces the dark is the obstacle that interpose between the light and we; therefore, the light cannot give us but what is, light. In order to receive the illumination, we only must be placed in the right angle, in the suitable place. Equal it happens with the good that God radiates, if we were placed in the right position, we will receive grace to fullness. If we were placed in the correct position, we will receive that good us that it will arrive naturally, without another effort of our side that the one to be in the angle just.


                                                                       Which is the just angle ?

  Very simple, knowing the laws and using thempositively, we will be in that angle.  God does not punish, but the punishment exists.

 Seven Universal Laws exist that govern the Cosmos, which work constantly fulfilling their mission; the one that dares to defy using them  bad, falls under its sensation and hard is struck by them, often until the complete destruction of whom defy them, knowing them or no, because these Laws are fulfilled inexorably and they do not make discrimination.   

For understand better what is a Law or principle, we have like example the fire. This element executes a function; this function is to burn whatever enters within its operational range, that is its mission. Then, if we know that it burns and it destroys and even so imprudently we placed the hand on, we know what will happen, but not for that reason, we can consider it our enemy, since if we know it to use with wisdom, will be great aliado.   Of equal way work these seven Cosmic Laws or Principles. If we used them suitably, we will be owner of our world; we will have the keys of the power and will stop being a being governed by the circumstances

 The seven Leyes are: 

    Mentalismo   Correspondence   Vibration     Polaridad   , Rate,   Cause and Effect   Generation

Law of the Mentalismo is based on an aphorism that says:

"Everything is mind, the Universe is a mental creation" When we thought, of us a similar magnetic current emanates until certain point to a light ray that arrives until the soul from the other people exerting on them its influence, even so, the individuals are in favor separated of long distances. 

A strongly projected thought will overcome by its great power the resistance that very instinctively oppose many souls to the impressions that come to them from outside.Strong thoughts and repeatedly projected in the same direction would finish penetrating where a single wave had been repelled.the thoughts are things, that is to say, they have body, have mass

. When leaving our mental body, they acquire life, personality, they are an identity that enters to work according to the direction that we have given him, with the color and tonality that we have adjudged to him at the moment for emitting it. As well as a microscope puts in contact an invisible world to us for our normal Vista yet, also it could in the future inventing an apparatus that would allow "to see us" and until photographing the form and the color of the thoughts. 

The thoughts are divide in Negatives and Positives. First they are opaque, of losses and shady places tonalities. They adversely affect to all those to those who go directed and those who emit them. They contribute to surround to the individual of a sinister, heavy atmosphere, that obstructs its evolution in all order; she returns it disagreeable, Neurasthenic, unpleasant, undesirable a person, giving to his appearance a bitter expression, moving away of himself the affection, because it is created what a Negative Egrégor is called (negative force electronic sent to the space) that is  made its inseparable companion having treated touch seeding it more and more to him new depressive thoughts. When to the mind it returns "the memory", that is not another thing that the Egrégor, become to feel such feelings of hatred, revenge, etc, fortifying plus that force, doing it to grow every day more until dominating to the person doing it his slave.Under this influence, million souls fall in the same conditions, and thus a collective conscience of sadness forms, of fear,depression and defeat. Thus we contributed with our mental quota to or  badly of the humanity.

 On the contrary, the positive thoughts seed in our subconscious mind a wonderful seed plot and those luminous vibrations that leave our mental body are going to touch other minds stimulating them in the positive sense. Very important it is knowledge that with the mind we governed the cells of our body. The manifest physical body in health, beauty and energy, which happens in our mental body. It is like a mirror.


Ilustrativo example of which it is a negative mind and another positive one 

 A great industrie of Shoes send two footwear travelling agents to certain place  with the intention of opening markets to its product.  Every one was by its side.  First in arriving, failing, sent a mail  to the factory saying:  "Total defeat.  Lost trip.  Here nobody "uses" shoes ".  The other, a positive mind, with triunfador wood sent a its time the following message:  "Excellent market.  trip sure.  Here nobody  "has" shoes ".  first considered that people did not use shoes and they will continue without using them by the rest of its lives.  The other saw a wonderful opportunity.  Here nobody has shoes;  I go to  teach them how to use.  Law of the Correspondence to facilitate the study of this Law, the Filosofy  considers that the life is pronounced in three main planes:  First:  The Physic Plan;e.  Second:  The Mental Plane;  Third:  The Spiritual Plane.  Thisthree divisions are more  or less arbitrary, that is to say, they do not exist in fact, because they are flat separated one of others by the degree of vibration  and does not exist exactly a dividing  that separates them, but that  degree of vibration one is disappeared in the other, until constituting a whole harmony.   The Law of the Correspondence works in a so exact form, that nothing occurs us or takes off to us that is not ours, by correspondence right.  If we thought bad of somebody, we will be seeding in the mind of that somebody similar houghts with respect to us?  "you do not do to others what you do not want that they do to you" It is the Gold rule that locks up the knowledge of the "Law of Correspondence".  You do not do to  others what you don´t  want that they do to you, because if the beams, by Law of Correspondence, sooner or later you will have the answer.


Law of Vibration. 
 This is the most beautiful and interesting Law.

 This principle is based on the following statement:  "Nothing is with out moves;  everything moves;  everything vibrates and it explains the existing differences between the diverse manifestations of the matter, the mind, force and spirit, those that are not another thing that different vibratory degrees.  Vibration of spirit is of an infinite intensity, as much, that practically   it can be considered as if was in rest.  In the other end of the scale there are very dense forms of matter, whose vibration is so that it seems also to be in rest.  There is an  aphorism that says "the ends touch" Everything in the nature remains in perpetual state of movement,  all where we see one pretends immovable. We have for example, a piece of lead;  in that trillions and trillions of Atoms exist, whose infinite small makes hair nets for the human eye;  but if it were applied the suitable apparatuses to them, to be observed like each Atom is formed of a center or nucleus of light and that to his around, properly separated of others, turns electrons incessantly, without stopping nor a second.  It means, that in the piece of dark, heavy lead, apparently immovable there is low vibration, but there is vibration;  they are in continuous movement within itself, that is, each Atom that composes it is in circular vibratory movement, without stopping nor during one fraction of second 

  This shows us that each atom, the particle of discovered smaller matter until today, is a planetary system in miniature, exact faithful copy in microcosm of which in macrocosm it around represents our Sun (the nucleus) and his planets (the electrons) turning his.  We know that the planets turn on themselves, in rotation and around the Sun in its movement of transfering.  We know that the Sun as well, tour on itself in its tumbling and has in addition a transfering movement, that is, that also broken around that such it as well has tumblings and transfering, turning as well around another something that attracts it;  and thus we go within infinite tumblings and transfering, that is, circular vibratory movements, moving to us always in this sense, from the infinitely small thing that is the atom, to the infinitely greater thing than is the Cosmos with its systems, its galaxies, its constellations to arriving at incognoscible.    We havenemos the first vibratory movement that is observed in the matter is circular.  Now, when that movement increases in rapidity (what "frequency" is called), the circle is unfolded in waves.     


   Of an incomprehensible dream that turns in a still more incomprehensible mind, reason why I continue looking for a light to decipher that enigma.  Edu.  (Energy of the Universe) personal Note (heydival)                                                                       


   La "frequency" is the amount of vibrations that occur within each circle or wave, in a determined space of time.  When the "frequency" is very high, that is, that vibrates at greater speed, the atoms take a waved rate, that is to say, I circulate is opened in waveform.  When taking that waved rate, the atoms separate to a greater distance of the others, giving like result a less dense matter;  thus the light waves take place;  the transition between the solid matter and the impalpable one (gaseous or etérea).  This way we have the hertzian waves, the used infrared waves in x-rays, etc... When this movement acquires greater intensity when becoming more express, the wave loses its curved form and it becomes zigzag.  From now on the form that takes the vibration is already no watching by the man.  The zigzag (the ray) is all energy, is the force that we denominated with the electricity name, which we know, we have studied, taken advantage of but nobody has never seen or knows what is.  Nor the greatest wise people in electronics can say if he has mass or no, nor of which she is compound, nor that thing is.  We only know the effects and for that reason we know that he exists.  Until the vibration zigzag he has been caught by the human being.  Of there in ahead different the form that he adopts until arriving at the infinite, we do not know it.

     Interesting experiment In Germany became an experiment of vibration by means of a wheel to which they gave a revolving movement at certain speed.  It began seeing to it turn it and emitting noise;  as it promoted the frequency of the vibrations, the noise let hear itself, that is, that reached the vibrations of the sound a so high frequency that they stopped being perceivable for the human ear.  At the same time the wheel began to emit heat and before the sight it seemed to be immovable, although it continued moving an extraordinary speed. Greater speed still and was acquiring color, happening through all the range of the phantom, from the infrared to the ultraviolet one to arriving at the incandescent target.  Then the atoms separated of others and the wheel volatizó (to disappear), was disintegrated in the space.  Taking this procedure the spiritual thing, we explained like the man elevating its mental vibratory rat, by means of the purity of life, the concentration and union with the Divinity through the oration, manages to save of the plane third dimension in which regularly it is, passing to a vibratory plane more stop, rising without visible support that sustains its body.  It is the phenomenon that is known with the name of "Levitation".  Accelerating more and plus these vibrations, it can, just as him passage to the wheel previously mentioned, to disintegrate its atoms voluntarily and to refund them again to its corporal form, reuniting these atoms again.  That could be what Jesus Christ did when appeared before its disciples in the cenacle, happening through a wall. 


 Each person or thing has her certain vibratory rat.  All matter obeying to the Law of Vibration, executes two rotatory movements, one in which tour on itself attracting towards its center (centripetal force) broken other in which around something, radiating outwards (centrifugal force).  We by vibration law attract and radiated. 

  When we attract something or somebody towards us we are using conscious or unconsciously an energy that is called Magnetismo.  the positive thought vibrates in high frequency, its colors are clear, shining and luminous.  The negative thought vibrates slowly and their colors are opaque.  

The moods vibrate and send to vibrations in colors and sounds to the space.  All the mental states are sent to the outside of the body that creates them.  They are striking compatible bodies since they make the vibrations emitted by musical instruments and these vibrations affect in or or in badly to other minds, increasing the emotional and mental states that are to tone with their



.  Law of Polaridad  

 This law lock up the truth of which all the showed things have two aspects, two poles.  These two poles are a pair of opposed with numerable intermediate degrees between both extremos.  the following paradoxes "Everything is and it is not at the same time", "the ends are touched", "the thesis and the antithesis is identical in nature" are explained totally if east principle studies.  In the physical plane we found that the heat and the cold although seem to be two different things are really a same thing:  temperature.  The existing difference between one and another thing are only question of degrees.  Watching a thermometer it is difficult to find out where the cold really finishes and where the heat begins or vice versa.  There is nothing is absolute cold heat or in fact.  Positions cold and heat one opposite of the other, seem at first two different things, really opposed between if ';  but one can become the other simply reducing or add in degrees 

  This principle of Polarity it is always pronounced within which it is a same thing, that is to say, we can within which is temperature to find and heat cold, they are his two opposite poles;  equal it happens between soft and hard, between positive and negative.

  Each pole is an end of the same thing that forms the other pole.  And walking through the scale of its vibrations we can pass us from a pole to the other changing opposed by the other opuesto.  Never we know where the dark finishes nor where begins the light;  where the bitter one begins and where the candy finishes;  where hatred finishes and begins to be born love Is so subtle degrees of transmutación that as soon as we realize of how it changes that thing of one to another pole diametrically opposed.

  This Principle operates exactly in the Mental Plane.  We found that the Love and Hatred seem two totally unrecognizable opposite feelings.  But if we applied the Principle of Polarity we found that it does not exist an absolute Hatred nor an absolute Love.  As much Hatred as Love are not but two applied terms to both poles of a same thing.  Beginning in any point of the scale, that is to say, leaving to us a Pole in direction of the other we began to find less Hatred and more Love vice versa or.  Hatred begins to be debilitated and as the absolute emptiness does not exist, it begins to fill with the feeling opposed to Hatred.  The value and the fear also are under that same rule. 

  Where we found a thing, its opposite pair also exists.  This is what allows to transmutar a mental state in another one, following the line of the Polarity.  In addition to the change of Pole of our own mental states by means of the art of the Polarization, the phenomenon of the mental influence in its multiple phases demonstrates that this Principle can extend until including the mental influences of one to another brain;  this is, that the mental states can take place by induction from a person to another one.  It is possible then, for a trained affluent person, to polarize an atmosphere, a situation. 

  The practice of this Principle facilitates better including/understanding to us our own mental states as well as those of the others and prove to us that those states are question of degrees, only being able to elevate the inner vibrations voluntarily, changing the Polarity and doing owners to us of those degrees instead of being their servants.

  This Law allows to help us intelligently others, polarizing situations.  For example if a trained person manages to enter the room of a patient, the positive vibrations of their thought change the negative polarity that reigns in that room because:  the LIGHT always dominates the Dark;  because the Good dominates Badly, because the Truth weakens the Lie.  



Law of the Rate 

"Everything has its periods of advances and backward movements;  everything ascends and descends;  everything moves like a pendulum;  the measurement of its movement to its right is the same one that the one of its movement to the left;  the rate is the compensation "Is always an action and one reacción.  In  Earth we have like example of the Law of the rate in its greater expression, the tides;  they raise certain hours and with a regular rate they lower to others.  We have the stations:  to the winter it compensates the spring. 

  As it shows of the rate in the small thing we can take as it shows the pulse in the human body.  It is a tic-tac that goes and comes rhythmically.  This movement also is pronounced in its two poles in the planes physical, mental and spiritual.  The Rate works closely bound at the beginning of Polarity, pronouncing itself between both poles established by this Principle.  The tides of the life flow and flow back in agreement with the Law of the rate and thus we see work our moods, our feelings, our mental states in a fluctuating rate. 

Sometimes we began something with great enthusiasm, in agreement with our ascending rate, this enthusiasm is maintained during certain period of time and suddenly without we know why, melancholy enters to us, we lose the confidence, of the optimism we happened to the pesimism, to the decay, without knowing how much nor why we decay, we felt unstable;  soon, also without knowing why, our moral begins to raise, we reacted, no longer we see the so black things and we rose again.  Thus we continued acting between enthusiasms and decays, falling and raising to us to us without knowledge that we are obeying wing Law of the Ritmo.   Three  steps upwards and two steps downwards.  When we are taking the three steps upwards we felt euphoric, we are able to conquer our world;  when we take backward

 movement steps both the moral comes to us down.  This means that we are being handled by a Principle or a Law that is immutable and is fulfilled;  but if we learn to use it positively, we will save to his efecct.  We konw that there are two planes of mental conscience, one inferior and another superior one (the Polarity is fulfilled).  

When the pendular manifestation is in slope, if we took hold of the plane of superior conscience, we escape to the depressive effects of the Law;  the oscillation of the pendulum that is of the mental depression will be pronounced in flat garlic of the unconscious mind, but our conscious plane will not be affected.  The operation consists of elevating I on the vibrations of the unconscious plane of the mental activity, that is not to do case to the depressive thing that it comes to our mind but to maintain to us safe that God is with us and therefore everything to him the life is well.  is raises and low rythmical;  adaptémonos and we take advantage of when the Rate is high and also we learn to wait for quiet without being hopeless when it is low. 

  If we are conscious that everything moves Rythmically, we learn to float in the tide of the life and we always are in the crest of the wave.


  Law of Cause and  Effect 

Principle is based on a motto that dice:  All effect has its cause;  all cause has its effect ".  this means that nothing happens by chance or because yes.  The chance does not exist;  the word chance is an empty word, does not have sense, the true word is "causality".  We lived in a causal Universe, a Universe that is the effect of a cause previous to him, that is to say, our Universe is a visible effect product of an Invisible and at the same time tangible cause, since we are feeling its effects. 

  In metaphysics "First Unique Cause" is called, which we know with the GOD name.  It is the First Cause.  SUPREME CAUSE ONLY ORIGIN OF ALL THE EXISTING ONE.  Behind him a previous cause is not contemplated of which All cause is efecto.  "originates an effect";  that effect is transformed as well into cause that produces another effect as well and under this Principle of Causa and Efecto  all the Universe is developed and worked ". 

  The way which we are crossing during the course of the life we drew up we ourself seeding them own cause and later gathering efecct.  the mind is a motor.  The thoughts are force or energy that generates the mind.  This energy leaves our mind in vibrations, waves that, by work and grace of the Law of the Rate, returns rythmically to us bringing the fruit to us of which we have seeded the effects follow the CAUSE like the shade its body.  


Law of Generation  

"El sort is in all "This manifest Principle the truth of which the sort is present in everything;  the masculine and feminine principles are present and work in each one of the Planes of life.  Everything, absolutely everything is originated having as origin its masculine and feminine base.  It is not what current one thinks that the base is what we called sex.  Everything contains its masculine principles and femeninos.  the Principle Generation in its higher manifestation is God.  If we lowered to study it in lowest, the matter, and we looked for it in its very small manifestations:  the atom, also we will find working the Masculine-feminine Principle like POSITIVE Pole (masculine) and NEGATIVE Pole there (feminine) that is, positive and negative electricity.  The atom is made up of a nucleus or center, considered like Positive or Masculine part and is surrounded by the way number of electrons that turn vertiginously to his around, loaded with negative energy or femenina.  The Masculine Principle corresponds to the conscious mind, activates, volunteer, etc, whereas the Feminine Principle corresponds to the passive mind, unconscious, subjetiva, etc.  (This Law is quite ample and comprises of each being reason why I consider that feeling it it is that can arrive to be understood.

  Personally I understand it like YING and YANG in each person.  Ying (feminine part), Yang ( masculine part)  



Voluntad de Dios
Fe, Fuerza y Poder
Fraternidad Divina
    Verdad         Paz Misericordia


Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado

 Metaphisic based on the lessons of Carola de Goya  

                                                                                     God with us



                                                                                   GOD with you 






  OG Mandino in his book "GREATES  SECRET Of THE WORLD" gives suggestions like handling the changes in the moods.  Usually one feels pessimistic?  Of course that yes. 

  There are days in which it was wanted to put in a hole and to hide themselves of the world.  Soon, there are days which everything what touches turns dust.  Simply it cannot win.  What sense must do algo?  However, are other days in which nothing leaves to him bad.  At the moment for waking up it sees everything it of pink color.  It enjoys every minute that day.  Sales?  Made projects?  It is impossible to be mistaken.  Everything will leave in agreement with its desires. 

To what they must to these fluctuations of our emotions.    In studies made jointly with the Director of the Foundation for the Study of the Cycles of the University of Pittsburgh, one of the studied cycles was the emotional cycle in the human beings. 

  One reached the conclusion that the emotional cycle in the man lasts average of five weeks.  It is the typical duration that is needed so that a normal person happens of a period of optimism and is descending by the scale until a fear feeling (most destructive of the emotions) to return again to the following period of optimism.  Five weeks!  Perhaps their own emotional cycle is longer or shorter.  He is advisable to know our periods "discharges" and "losses".

  There am a simple method to learn this important secret here about itself.  Limítese to prepare a picture where it handles the following variables.  

                                            1  2  3  4  5  6    (30 days)
Pleasant Feelings  
Disagreeable feelings  
Gotten depressed  


  Take a little while dedicates to reconsider their mood in the day.  Soon it inserts a point in the square that seems more suitable to describe its mood to him in that day.  Jointh line the points as they spend the days.  One is his psychic rate, and in most of the cases it will perseverará the same structure.  After a few months it will know, with surprising exactitude, when its next "discharge" will appear and when it will have will prepare for his following "loss".  Having this knowledge, this ability to predict his future conduct, he will be able to fit his activities in agreement with his mood.  When it happens through his maximum period of optimism, it will think twice before doing promises, to commit itself in things impossible or to make purchases on credit.  Also he will be able to support the low periods, when nothing seems to go well, because now it knows that this will happen in a moment. 


  Today I will be owner of my emotions.

The tide raises;  the low tide.  It spends the winter and it arrives the summer.  It declines the summer and it increases the cold.  The sun leaves;  the sun is put.  The moon is full;  the moon is black.  The birds arrive;  and soon they start off.  The flowers bloom;  the flowers are marchitan.  The seed is seeded,; the harvest takes shelter.  The nature everything is a cycle of moods and I am part of the nature;  and, as well as the tide, will raise my moods;  my moods will lower.  

Today I will be owner of my emotions.

  The joy will become the today sadness yesterday;  nevertheless, the today sadness will happen to be the joy the morning.  Within me there is a wheel that it constantly changes of the sadness to the joy, of you transport them of joy to the depression, of the happiness to the melancholy.  Like the flowers, the today cocoons will be marchitarán and lowered, nevertheless I will remember that the dry flowers of today take the seed of pimpollo the morning;  thus also the today sadness contains the simiente of the joy the morning

Today I will be owner of my emotions.

 Every day when it wakes up, I will follow east plan of battle before being captured by the forces of the sadness, the autocompasión and the failure:         If I feel gotten depressed, I will sing If I feel sad, I will laugh If I feel like patient I will redouble my work If I feel fear, I will send myself ahead If I feel inferior, I will dress new clothes If I feel uncertain, I will raise the voice If I feel incompetent, I will remember successes of the past.  

Today I will be owner of my emotions.

 Will be days when it must fight constantly against forces that would tear to me.  Although the downheart and the sadness are easy to recognize, there are others come near to us with a smile and with a friendly handshake but also they can destroy to us.  Against them, also I must be always alert:  If the excessive confidence seizes of me, I will remember my failures.  If I feel inclined to give with excess to the good life I will remember last hungers.  If I feel complacencia, I will remember my competitors.  If I enjoy moments of greatness, I will remember moments of shame.  If I feel like Almighty, I will try to stop the wind.  If I reach great wealth, I will remember a hungry mouth.  If I feel proud in excess, I will remember a little while of weakness.  If I think that my ability does not have equal I will contemplate stars

Today I will be owner of my emotions.

I will not judge the people and from now on I will recognize and identify the mystery of the moods of all the humanity and in me.  From this moment I will prepare myself to dominate any type of personality that awakes every day in me.  I will dominate my moods by means of a positive action, and when it has dominated my moods, I will control my destiny.  Today I control my destiny and my destiny is the one to turn to me the owner of my same one and to live in

Pergamino N° 6 of "Greates Secret of the World"



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