Wings of Fredoom

When I write, the thought adopts the wings of the freedom and I submerge in a scene where I carry out according to the suit that has my emotions. I can be a smile, I can be a tear, I can be a siren or I can be a fairy; I am everything what I only want... I want to be. It is possible that it dictates the pain to it, the joy, or loneliness, but over everything, at heart the poetry expresses the truth. While there is spirit, it will continue existing poetry..



Others writings
In others writings " Tribute to the doctor  René Favaloro "

             Tear of crystal       (Lágrima de Cristal)


The door is knocked.  There are two visits that want to enter, one dressed of shine and sequins the other, of an opaque aspect, to which nobody wanted to invite 

I lead to her the first, pleasant, smiling, playful one, she leaves a wake of light and color by where she passes providing an internal sensation of welfare and freedom 

I said   to the second, ¿What do you want?  ... I ask her trying not to let in, but stealthy she slides remaining  spying..  expecting the moment to take its place

Its aspect of sorrow and melancholy does not please me, its intentions is neither, is a thief of the peace of the spirit of the shine in a look and the smile in a face

 I don’t want you in my life, thus is that already you can go hounds Me, challenges me and responds me, my presence will not be able to avoid While there be injustices, a to be misunderstood a helpless elder, a boy without home I have that been present therefore that shout nobody will be able to silence While exist not the conscience of a fraternal love in many hearts I am going to be therefore, of you do not I be able Setting apart.. 

 It is well, for now, itself that is impossible to avoid it but only I want you beside me as the traveler that arrives at a place, rests an hours, then goes without leaving tracks, remaining in the oversight

 I Know  that the two visits with me want to be but they together would not be able congenial, the one for the other represents an antonym therefore I decided, with whom I am going to remain

 Already it is hour, you can withdraw, continues your trip, at this time I want to enjoy the most wonderful  gift than the Omnipotent one can give us. ... LIFE, the one that some do not they know to appreciate and other they have the gift that does not belong to its craving.   

OH ! not ...Why remember?, the traveler would be able to return, better change that music before she hear it. .it brings memories and of those she likes to be fed I eliminate that thought of the one that so much enjoys Not, I will not prepare her a banquet  I don’t want to satisfy its thirst   I don’t want that remain stationed in my life   I don’t  want that steal me a tear..  Already is late. ..she was  very close 

OH! only a desire I ask you, that the day that I am not  in this place do not await to the ones that they recall me and permits that in its faces a smile can draw with the security that some day a new hug we will be able to give

 For that time then already among us you will not exist because to you also a new suit will cover change yourself that dark color and without shine and your name no longer will be Sadness but Happiness..  And your new gift will be a tear of crystal.. 

Thanks sadness. ... I am going to trust you 

Now, with your permission, already you stole me a pretty time..  Another visit waits for my.  I need to deck me also with suit of colors and sequins, to prepare the table and with all the honors to tell the HAPPINESS ¡Welcome¡ .. Life is beautiful


       Haydée Valerio
    * heydival 

   June 11- 2003



    Your presence even remains in your absence

The life is like a river that runs without stopping 
Of a side is your today, the other your morning

I want to be like the bridge that helps to cross
I love to be a presence friend you In your pain, your joys
and in your tears

You are closest in remote
 Than full almost all empty
Like fresh water source in the desert 
That calms the thirst to the destitute

I take tímbre of your voice in my ears

Caressing all my senses
Me enternece, accompanies to me,
blanket in the silence of the anything
transfers Me to me wakes up to Me
 and it says to me... I am with you

 Your presence even remains in your absence
Inspiring my nights and my days
I want that you continue being melody

and that you vibrate as the soul vibrates mine

Don’t  pronounce the word NEVER
don’t pronounce the word ALWAYS
 Without pacts, without promises eternally 
for not to break the magic
of the lived thing

 The eternal thing does not exist in  land
 But it wanted to
eternizar many moments 
For having wings and for raising until a star
So that this feeling shines still more

 And being more near the divine thing 
Joining my hands and
elevating a player 
Giving thanks to God for this encounter Reason
why you are, for your life, foryour soul.

Haydée Valerio
* heydival
April 9_2003




 Love life 
but sometimes I like to escape
 to a perfect world
 where nothing can hurt me 
is not one fantasy
I know  I can reach it
I request to God that some day
in That world  I can inhabit 

Meanwhile in this life
I try to find a light
so  lighting my days 
and I can live in peace

God peacefully Saint
fulfills my yearning
 and give me the happiness to be
some day in that top
 where it can rest 
and feel me like the wind 
with which it can play 
spilling feelings
 of love to the humanity

Haydée Valerio
 April 9, 2003







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