Photoetry of children and olds ........with all the value and heat that it has this word, if the qualifying one as an older person is equal of quality and value in lasting products as the wine the art objects , anything . It was become the same with people in fact in but socially heathy cultures etc..... With people , always will be the same as respect and wishdom!





! The sense of the child’s and free man’s life does not follow the same path set by society, more often than not,... it transgresses it !







! We can see the life with an infinite horizon ! ...Just if we put ourselves to the height of the children .










At the end of the path, how much life bestowed, what great burdens accumulated day to day must the walking stick bear, ... the weight is dignity’s.

¡ if you are ice o butter you do not go to which follows..!.. " to get wet"
