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Curiosa situación y petición.......


De: "A. L. D. S"
Fecha:: jue oct 27, 2005  7:50 pm
Asunto:: Curiosa situación y petición.......

Curioso es leer este articulo ingles, sobre las pretendidas iniciativas del
Partido Sueco.

No es dificil de entender.
Un saludo


The Sunday Times (Britain)
23 October 2005

Feminists trip up on man tax
By Matthew Campbell

Spare a thought for Swedish feminists whose newly formed party is
disintegrating after hardliners presented a manifesto advocating a "man
tax", the abolition of marriage and the creation of "gender-neutral" names.

Sweden already boasts one of the highest levels of female participation in
the workplace and some observers questioned the need for a feminist party
in a country whose women account for half the seats in parliament.

When it was founded six months ago, polls showed that a quarter of voters
would consider supporting Feminist Initiative in elections next year
because of rising domestic violence against women and higher salaries for

That goodwill seems to have faded after the party's recent founding
congress, however, when radicals such as Tiina Rosenberg, a professor of
gender studies, appeared to have secured control of the agenda. The
resulting platform included proposals for abolishing marriage and changing
the law to let people who undergo sex change operations legally alter their

The party called also for the creation of more "gender-neutral" names such
as "Robin" or "Norva" that could apply to a boy or a girl. At present
parents must choose names from an official list for boys or girls.

Rosenberg resigned from the governing board after complaining of an
"anti-feminist backlash" and insulting personal attacks in the Swedish
media, where she was ridiculed as part of the "lunatic left".

Gudrun Schyman, another founding member of the party, came to her defence
last week. "The reason for this campaign against her is that she's a
lesbian," she said. "The attacks against her are homophobic."

A former Swedish Communist party leader and author of erotic verse, Schyman
once demonstrated her sense of fun by posing naked for a newspaper behind a
red umbrella. But conservative male politicians do not find her amusing.

She advocates what she calls a "man tax to cover the cost of violence
against women in the home" but has stopped short of endorsing the opinions
of Ireen von Wachenfeldt, who until recently ran one of Sweden's largest
state shelters for battered women. In a recent television documentary
called The Gender War, she proclaimed: "Men are animals."

The documentary noted that the shelter had printed excerpts of an extremist
American feminist manifesto called Scum, which stands for the Society for
Cutting Up Men. In it, women are urged to "destroy the male sex" and seize
the chance made possible by science of giving birth only to females.

The spectacle of militant feminism reaching into Sweden's official
institutions provoked a political scandal in which Wachenfeldt was forced
to resign from her job at the shelter.

Since then the traditional Swedish belief in the need for organising
politics, business and even one's private life to make it as sexually equal
as possible seems to have come under threat. In new opinion polls only 1.3%
of voters said they would vote for the feminist party.


Transl by A L D S

11146 de 12540 Curiosa situación y petición.......


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"Informe Iceberg"  

"Mini Iceberg"  pdf*

...Ahora hay leyes que convierten en Delito que un hombre y su hijo, en
silencio, se mire

...Ya hay propuestas de ley que condenan con cárcel al padre si el niño
expresa su deseo de ir a vivir con él.

...Si un Hombre va a denunciar que es víctima de Malos Tratos... 

Suelen brotar  sonrisas incrédulas e irónicas  de los rostros de Funcionarios Públicos.

Demasiados Hombres son víctimas de Malos Tratos por parte de sus parejas, Malos tratos (psicológicos, físicos) que con demasiada frecuencia provocan el Suicidio del Maltratado.

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